Data LabelingWhat is data labeling? What are the processes of data labeling? What are data labeling approaches?May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
Text Normalization & Machine TranslationIn this post, I briefly explained Text Normalization & Machine Translation. What is text normalization? What is machine translation?Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
NLP ChatbotsWhat is chatbot? What is NLP? What are the major steps of NLP? This article includes basic understanding of them and real-life NLP…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Vertical Growth or Horizontal Growth?What is vertical growth and horizontal growth? Which business strategy is better to grow?Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
Third Wave Fashion: What is Fashion-Tech?There is a new term about fashion business on the agenda for a while. If you are interested, you should probably see the “fashion-tech”…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
Recommendations For Internship Seekers and InternsDo you want to gain experience in business life? Learn how the work is being done? Want to have a network? The most important one, do you…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020